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Day 22

Disponível em português

Disponível em português


Narration available


Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

In a personal, spiritual goal, to come close to God, to live in holiness; it is necessary to have an awareness of who He really is, not a theoretical notion of His person!

Stopping to think and live this time now, in a spiritual way, try confessing your sins, covering nothing up, you will see how wonderful it will be.

The word mercy means to put oneself in the place of the one who is asking, so that God will understand that the sins were not on purpose, for He can see inside you and put Himself in your place, as did His Son, Jesus Christ, so that each who seeks a total and spiritual deliverance may be totally free from the weight of guilt and condemnation, thus reaching the mercy of God in Jesus Christ.

Do it today. Tomorrow may be too late, and even if it isn't, why suffer the burden of sin's guilt?

Who knows, not only will you be blessed and feel full deliverance, but you will be able to help others too?

Pray to God asking Him to show you this person in need and longing for a forever deliverance.

Pr Valter Köhler (1944-2020)

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